Workplace Learning

Authority Developed Workplace Learning (ADWPL) is an authority-developed endorsed program that provides an opportunity for a student to demonstrate and develop increasing competence in the core skills for work.

It is a fantastic opportunity for students to improve their workplace and employability skills whilst providing them with an opportunity to work in a range of industry areas.

To complete this endorsed program, a student works in a real workplace environment to develop a set of transferable workplace skills. The student must record the number of hours completed and the tasks undertaken in the workplace in a Workplace Learning Logbook.

The student must also provide evidence of his/her knowledge and understanding of workplace skills by completing a Workplace Learning Skills Journal after each 55 hours completed in the workplace.

Students are required to complete a minimum of 220 hours of work placement over the course of Year 11 and 12.

Workplace Learning Dates 2025

Term 2 Year 10, 11 and 12s – Week 10

Term 3 Year 11 and 12s – Week 7, Year 10 – Week 9


Students are required to attend on all pre-determined days, and a medical certificate must explain any absences due to illness. Students need to notify their Employer and the school WPL Coordinator (08) 9891 1100 by 9:00am on the morning of the absence or as soon as possible. Prior to commencing a placement, students are required to complete a Work Safe Smart Move Safety Certificate or, in some instances, a White Card.

Students are expected to attend their school exams or attend courses that they are enrolled in at external training providers. It is the students’ responsibility to advise the employer if they will be absent for either of the above reasons.

The generosity of local businesses is key to the success of our program, and we currently have on average, over 50 active employers in any year. Employers are invited to attend an annual ‘Thank You’ event held in December. If you are a local business owner interested in becoming a part of the program, please contact the Workplace Learning Coordinator.

We work together to enable success for all students