Positive Behaviour Support

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is our school wide approach aimed at improving the academic and behavioural outcomes for all students. PBS works to establish a climate in which appropriate behaviour is the norm. This occurs using proactive strategies and the explicit teaching of behavioural expectations. Our goal is to create a safe, positive learning environment where students are engaged and successful. Emphasis is on making positive choices and accepting responsibility for both learning and behaviour. The PBS Matrix outlines how students can demonstrate our school values at school.

At Katanning Senior High School, our values are:

  • Respect – Treating people, places, and property with courtesy and care.
  • Achievement – Striving to always do your best
  • Perseverance – Continuing to try when faced with challenges
  • Tolerance – Being kind and inclusive to yourself and others

Our students are explicitly taught these values through classroom-based activities and are continuously encouraged to actively demonstrate behaviours derived from these values in the classroom, during break times and as wider community members. Students are awarded PBIS Reward Points for the demonstration of positive behaviour and can use their points to choose prizes from the RAPT shop. There are also whole school rewards for reaching milestones.