Slide Pathways to success for all students Slide Dynamic &
Slide Positive Behaviour Support

Prospective Students

Years 7-9

Years 10-12

Key Dates & Events

Experience student life

Katanning Senior High School serves a multicultural and linguistically diverse community including Afghani, African, Burmese, Chinese, Karen, Malay, Maori, Noongar and Thai. We celebrate and respect individual differences and work in harmony to ensure success for all students. We are the senior high school of choice for the great southern region.

A unique learning environment

Engaged Learning

At our school, your child will have the opportunity to engage in a challenging and comprehensive educational program within a caring and nurturing school.

Individual Approach

Your child’s individual academic and social needs will be met within a school that values achievement, respect, tolerance, and perseverance. Our professional and experienced teachers are committed to ensuring that all students strive to excel.

Community Partnerships

At Katanning Senior High School, the success of our students is demonstrated by direct entry into university, apprenticeships, traineeships or employment. Graduates from Katanning Senior High School achieve in many different areas including business, academia, trades, teaching and human services.

Rise to the challenge with Bush Ranger Cadets

The mission of the Bush Ranger Cadet program is to support young Western Australians to take an active and lead role in the conservation of the natural environment and to understand the mechanisms for its management.

Developing creativity and critical thinking through STEM

Lower school students have one lesson a week in the STEM room where they develop their capabilities in critical and creative thinking as they learn to: generate and evaluate knowledge, clarify concepts and ideas, seek possibilities, consider alternatives, and solve problems.

Get a head start with vocational pathways

With the Great Southern Trade Training Centre on site, KSHS Students get an early start towards a Vocational Pathway in the Automotive and Engineering Industries if they choose to. The facilities include vehicle hoists, CNC Plasma cutter, CNC Lathes, and Miling Machines, Hydraulic guillotine and Pan brake and a host of Welding Technologies.

Follow the dream

Katanning Senior High School offers Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students the opportunity to participate in the Follow the Dream: Partnerships for Success program (FTD).

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The girls Country Week netball team are doing some fundraising, starting with a sausage sizzle and selling fresh lemonade on Thursday!

The girls Country Week netball team are doing some fundraising, starting with a sausage sizzle and selling fresh lemonade on Thursday! ... See MoreSee Less

KSHS Swimming Carnival is TOMORROW! This is a whole school event, with all students expected to attend. Our carnival has a great mix of championship and novelty events, with students being able to compete in every event they wish to try. Pool entry to be paid directly to the Katanning Aquatic Centre on the day. Family and friend spectators are welcome. Dont forget permission form if not already returned.

KSHS Swimming Carnival is TOMORROW! This is a whole school event, with all students expected to attend. Our carnival has a great mix of championship and novelty events, with students being able to compete in every event they wish to try. Pool entry to be paid directly to the Katanning Aquatic Centre on the day. Family and friend spectators are welcome. Don't forget permission form if not already returned. ... See MoreSee Less

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Arnika Te Kapa

Year 10 Worklink WA Incursion – School Based Traineeship Application Support
Year 10 students who placed an Expression of Interest for a School Based Traineeship in Term 4, 2024 were invited to attend workshop for resume development, cover letter writing and interview preparation with Justine Grey, Career Development Advisor from Worklink WA in resume development, cover letter writing and interview preparation. 

Resume Development: The students found the hands-on approach incredibly helpful. They appreciated having the opportunity to create and refine their resumes and select their skills and strengths to future work prospects.

Cover Letter Writing: The cover letter segment was well-received. The students created a template which they can personalised and connect their experiences to any job role the apply for.

Interview Preparation: The mock interview role play was a highlight. The role-play and real-time feedback helped students understand the dos and don’ts of job interviews. 

We received fantastic feedback from Worklink WA commending our students about their positive attitude and engagement with the workshop. Well done to our Year 10 students.

Year 10 Worklink WA Incursion – School Based Traineeship Application Support

Year 10 students who placed an Expression of Interest for a School Based Traineeship in Term 4, 2024 were invited to attend workshop for resume development, cover letter writing and interview preparation with Justine Grey, Career Development Advisor from Worklink WA in resume development, cover letter writing and interview preparation.

Resume Development: The students found the hands-on approach incredibly helpful. They appreciated having the opportunity to create and refine their resumes and select their skills and strengths to future work prospects.

Cover Letter Writing: The cover letter segment was well-received. The students created a template which they can personalised and connect their experiences to any job role the apply for.

Interview Preparation: The mock interview role play was a highlight. The role-play and real-time feedback helped students understand the dos and don’ts of job interviews.

We received fantastic feedback from Worklink WA commending our students about their positive attitude and engagement with the workshop. Well done to our Year 10 students.
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Students wore orange today for Harmony Day.
Harmony Day recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds.

It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.😁😁😁🙌🙌🙌

Students wore orange today for Harmony Day.
Harmony Day recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds.

It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.😁😁😁🙌🙌🙌
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On Thursday 13 March, Year 10, 11 & 12 students attended an incursion with Curin University Medical Students. The incursion provided students with a mentoring session to explore possible pathways after high school and the barriers experienced by regional students seeking entry into further education and training. A big thank you to our medical students for taking the time to speak with and inspire our Katanning Senior High School students.

On Thursday 13 March, Year 10, 11 & 12 students attended an incursion with Curin University Medical Students. The incursion provided students with a mentoring session to explore possible pathways after high school and the barriers experienced by regional students seeking entry into further education and training. A big thank you to our medical students for taking the time to speak with and inspire our Katanning Senior High School students. ... See MoreSee Less

Solar Car Challenge

The journey started in our STEM room Week 1 and led to a race off with all the Year 8s. We had three groups win and they later moved on to go to Katanning Primary School on 12 March for a practice session and to run a workshop. KPS have two Year 6 teams, who came to Albany with us for the final challenge with lots of other schools. The Year 8 boys brought home second place. Good job to everyone for their amazing effort and representing our school with pride.
Photos and Article by Peyton Chilcott

Student Voice:

Jett Gibson – Today was the best because I got to see friends and came second place. I got $50, a certificate and got to keep the Car

Tia Scott – Today was a great day because I got to go all the way to Albany with my friends and help them out. I also enjoyed racing and even though I didn’t win, I still had a great time.

 #synergysolarcarchallenge #STEM #stemeducation

Solar Car Challenge

The journey started in our STEM room Week 1 and led to a race off with all the Year 8s. We had three groups win and they later moved on to go to Katanning Primary School on 12 March for a practice session and to run a workshop. KPS have two Year 6 teams, who came to Albany with us for the final challenge with lots of other schools. The Year 8 boys brought home second place. Good job to everyone for their amazing effort and representing our school with pride.
Photos and Article by Peyton Chilcott

Student Voice:

Jett Gibson – Today was the best because I got to see friends and came second place. I got $50, a certificate and got to keep the Car

Tia Scott – Today was a great day because I got to go all the way to Albany with my friends and help them out. I also enjoyed racing and even though I didn’t win, I still had a great time.

#synergysolarcarchallenge #STEM #stemeducation
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We are celebrating Harmony Day this Friday as a part of Harmony Week, which is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. Students are encouraged to wear orange or national dress (no jeans). 

#HarmonyWeek #EveryoneBelongs #HarmonyWeek2025, #PositiveChange #HarmonyDay

We are celebrating Harmony Day this Friday as a part of Harmony Week, which is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. Students are encouraged to wear orange or national dress (no jeans).

#HarmonyWeek #EveryoneBelongs #HarmonyWeek2025, #PositiveChange #HarmonyDay
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Junior Netball in Katanning 🏐🏐

Junior Netball in Katanning 🏐🏐 ... See MoreSee Less

KSHS Swimming Carnival is next Tuesday, 25 March. This is a whole school event, with all students expected to attend. Our carnival has a great mix of championship and novelty events, with students being able to compete in every event they wish to try. In 2024, the Glenroy Griffons won both the Championship Cup and the Participation Shield, who will be victorious this year? Students will receive permission forms this week, which need to be returned ASAP. Pool entry to be paid directly to the Katanning Aquatic Centre on the day. Family and friend spectators are welcome.

KSHS Swimming Carnival is next Tuesday, 25 March. This is a whole school event, with all students expected to attend. Our carnival has a great mix of championship and novelty events, with students being able to compete in every event they wish to try. In 2024, the Glenroy Griffons won both the Championship Cup and the Participation Shield, who will be victorious this year? Students will receive permission forms this week, which need to be returned ASAP. Pool entry to be paid directly to the Katanning Aquatic Centre on the day. Family and friend spectators are welcome. ... See MoreSee Less

On Monday students and staff were encouraged to wear green to celebrate St Patrick’s Day, and the Student Leaders and helpers prepared green treats to sell as a Fundraising activity. The funds will be used to run a free whole school Easter Egg Hunt in Week 10.

On Monday students and staff were encouraged to wear green to celebrate St Patrick’s Day, and the Student Leaders and helpers prepared green treats to sell as a Fundraising activity. The funds will be used to run a free whole school Easter Egg Hunt in Week 10. ... See MoreSee Less

Parent Survey – Katanning SHS Improvement Program 2025
The Tell Them From Me survey is a survey on student engagement and wellbeing. This parent survey helps to clarify and strengthen the important relationship between parent and school. The survey is anonymous and can be used to identify trends within schools and better inform school priorities. The survey takes around 15 minutes to complete.

This survey asks parents/carers a range of questions related to the following drivers of student outcomes:·         Parents feel welcome

·         Parents are informed
·         Parents support learning at home
·         Parents’ participation at school
·         School supports positive behaviours
·         Safety
·         Inclusion
·         School supports learning

Unique URL to log into the survey:

Parent Survey – Katanning SHS Improvement Program 2025
The Tell Them From Me survey is a survey on student engagement and wellbeing. This parent survey helps to clarify and strengthen the important relationship between parent and school. The survey is anonymous and can be used to identify trends within schools and better inform school priorities. The survey takes around 15 minutes to complete.

This survey asks parents/carers a range of questions related to the following drivers of student outcomes:· Parents feel welcome

· Parents are informed
· Parents support learning at home
· Parents’ participation at school
· School supports positive behaviours
· Safety
· Inclusion
· School supports learning

Unique URL to log into the survey:
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We acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we live and work, the Goreng Noongar peoples and their Elders, past present and emerging.

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